setting quotas from inside a jail

Charles Sprickman spork at
Tue Mar 24 00:31:47 PDT 2009

Hello all,

The subject describes my goal.  I'm aware of the usual caveats - if 
there's more than one jail, no UID overlap, this will really only work in 
one jail if all jails are on the same filesystem, etc.

I found a very, very old post that has an... interesting... technique:

It actually works.  "It" being I suppose the fstab trickery in the jail. 
I need to test this some more, but it does seem possible to edit quotas 
inside the jail, which is my basic goal.  I don't want my provisioning box 
to have to hit the host just to alter quotas in one jail that needs them.

Just looking for any warnings/caveats about the above and what might be 
different 6+ years later...



Charles Sprickman
NetEng/SysAdmin - New York's Best Internet -
spork at - 212.655.9344

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