cd ripping to flac

Zoran Kolic zkolic at
Fri Mar 6 23:24:29 PST 2009

I'd like to rip my cd-s to flac files using some
command line app, like cdda2wav or cdparanoia.
Using pipe to flac utility would be nice and the
way I'd take. What program acts in that matter?
Since cdda2wav is in the base, I suppose people
use it regurarly. Something like:
 program {options} - | flac - flac_file.flac
One more thing bothers me. I cannot see songs on
the cd in the way of "/dev/acd0t1". I tried to
stress it using cdcontrol, but no way. The kernel
is customized, no sound in it, and a lot of others
has gone. The box is speakers-free, so cannot
check if it plays in deed.
Best regards


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