mini-HEADSUP bce owners: please test

Mark Plotnick mp at
Thu Jun 18 20:27:41 UTC 2009

We have a Dell R710 with its first ethernet port connected to a Dell 
5524 ethernet switch. Just installed 7.2-RELEASE on it and get no 
connectivity over the ethernet. tcpdump shows no frames at all. 
Installing your patches eliminated the PHY write timeout errors, but 
still have no connectivity. Now, upon boot and a couple times 
thereafter, we see these errors:

bce0: ../../../dev/bce/if_bce.c(6968): Watchdog timeout occurred, resetting!
bce0: ../../../dev/bce/if_bce.c(1386); Unable to write CTX memory: 
cid_addr = 0x00000000, offset = 0x00000000!
bce0: ../../../dev/bce/if_bce.c(1386); Unable to write CTX memory: 
cid_addr = 0x00000000, offset = 0x00000010!
(and so on, for offsets 14, 80, 240, 258, and 25C).

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