kern/134584: [panic] spin lock held too long

Attilio Rao attilio at
Sun Jul 26 14:36:46 UTC 2009

2009/7/26 barbara <barbara.xxx1975 at>:
> It happened again, on shutdown.
> As the previous time, it happened after a high (for a desktop) uptime and, if it could matter, after running net-p2p/transmission-gtk2 for several hours.
> I don't know if it's related, but often quitting transmission, doesn't terminate the process. Sometimes it end after several minutes the gui exited, sometimes it's still running after hours.
> I've noticed it as the destination folder is on a manually mounted device and I can't umount it as fstat reports the device used by a transmission process.
> So I often have to kill it.
> This happened both the time I had this kind of panic.

Can you try to reproduce it with WITNESS and *without*
WITNESS_SKIPSPIN? I would need to look at "show alllocks" and
possibily "ps" because it seems that the lock owner is preempted but
it should not happen while holding a spinlock (unless the acquired
spinlock is the one in the preempting path, in this case thought it
should drop inside sched_switch() and we can try to understand why
that doesn't happen).


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