ZFS: drive replacement performance

Mahlon E. Smith mahlon at martini.nu
Tue Jul 7 22:26:32 UTC 2009

On Tue, Jul 07, 2009, Freddie Cash wrote:
> This is why we've started using glabel(8) to label our drives, and then add
> the labels to the pool:
>   # zpool create store raidz1 label/disk01 label/disk02 label/disk03
> That way, it does matter where the kernel detects the drives or what the
> physical device node is called, GEOM picks up the label, and ZFS uses the
> label.

Ah, slick.  I'll definitely be doing that moving forward.  Wonder if I
could do it piecemeal now via a shell game, labeling and replacing each
individual drive?  Will put that on my "try it" list.

> > Once I swapped drives, I issued a 'zpool replace'.
> >
> See comment at the end:  what's the replace command that you used?

After the reboot that shuffled device order, the 'da2' changed to that
ID number.  To have it accept the replace command, I had to use the
number itself -- I couldn't use 'da2' since that was now elsewhere, in
use, on the raidz1.  Surprisingly, it worked.  Or at least, it appeared

    % zpool replace store 2025342973333799752 da8

> There's something wrong here.  It definitely should be incrementing.  Even
> when we did the foolish thing of creating a 24-drive raidz2 vdev and had to
> replace a drive, the progress bar did change.  Never got above 39% as it
> kept restarting, but it did increment.

Strangely, the ETA is jumping all over the place, from 50 hours to 2000+
hours.  Never seen the percent complete over 0.01% done, but then it
goes back to 0.00%.

> I'd redo the replace command, and check the output of "zpool status"
> to make sure it's showing the proper device node and not some random
> string of numbers like it is.

Hmm, I'm hunting for it but I don't see it -- know of any way to stop a
replace in progress?

Thanks for the quick reply, Freddie!

Mahlon E. Smith  
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