Perennial suggestion to split freebsd-stable into version-specific lists

Robert Joosten robert at
Sun Aug 30 17:23:04 UTC 2009


> Thus, my suggestion. Split what is currently freebsd-stable into one
> list per branch.

We could also THINK about whether we want more than 1 stable branch, which 
is the true case now.

Either we relese too often or older releases have a far to long lifecycle 
before reching EOL.

Recalling from memory I more than once read posting by core freebsd dev's 
stating they dislike keeping track of so many releases. That started 
with 5. 

What we really need to THINK about is getting more milestones into a 
release. Now 5 marked $SMP. 6 was a $better 5. 7 marked $this. 8 should 
cut the corners on $that. Why not having more milestones into our current 
release before the next one becomes stable. Then this problem will solve 
in near future. What's wrong with having releng_8_14 ? I recall 2.2.11 :-)

I'm not opposed more -stable mailinglists perse, but this to me seems we 
are just fighting symptons.


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