atapicam question

Zoran Kolic zkolic at
Thu Apr 9 15:25:15 UTC 2009

Amd64, 7.1.
Few days ago I replaced dieing dvd writer with brand
new pioneer 116d. In the kernel I removed all not
needed stuff and included atapicam and both cd and
acd. Previously I used cd only with no hiss. Making
dvd I first encountered error at the very beginning
of the whole process: acd: Failure - Inquiry illegal
request. Using growisofs I got another errors, but
nothing that made dvd unusable: "failure - read_toc
illegal request" and "failure - unknown cmd".
Dvd that contained files with typos, with "(", ")"
and "`" gave me some "looking for lun" message du-
ring the write. Not shown in /var/log/messages
Since I included atapicam into the kernel and it booted
fine, it works with both device drivers. I found some
posts that hal could be set not to probe writer, but
it is not good, for acd to read dvd. Any opinion on
this topic? Maybe some growisofs bug I'm not aware of.
I have an impression dvd device is not broken, aside it
is new one. Firmware version is 1.06, with 1.09 as
the lattest on pioneer site. Another topic could be
"how to reflash" dvd writer from freebsd?".
Best reagards


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