powerd broken

Dominic Fandrey kamikaze at bsdforen.de
Fri Apr 3 09:43:29 UTC 2009

Alexander Motin wrote:
> Dominic Fandrey wrote:
>> I can rule out drm0 as the cause, because uhci0 is the only common
>> presence in all occurrences of this problem. 
> You have other examples? If you mean "irq16: hdac0 uhci+" string, then
> "+" there means "and some other devices", which in this case is probably
> drm0.
> There were some drm related commits last time and there are also some
> IRQ related problems were reported/patched in CURRENT recently. So I
> would not ignore this possibility without additional testing.

Is there anything I can do, apart from turning off drm? This is really
annoying (well, it eats a whole core while I'm compiling and it keeps
the fans going, when the machine should be idle).

Is there somehow I can generate useful information? Someone to send a
kernel dump to?

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