Sockets stuck in FIN_WAIT_1

Robert Blayzor rblayzor.bulk at
Thu May 29 19:41:04 UTC 2008

On May 29, 2008, at 3:30 PM, Matthew Dillon wrote:
>    It is quite possible that the other ends of the connection are  
> still
>    live and that the issue could very well be a timeout setting in the
>    server config file instead of something in the TCP stack.

Good point, I didn't think about this, but once i started getting over  
1000 of these and it just kept growing, I started to rule it out, but  
I won't this time.

I've moved the server over to 7.0 now which is taking load.  I'm  
already thinking this problem is NOT fixed and is the same behavior as  
in 4.x because I'm seeing quite a few FIN_WAIT_1's collect now.

[mirror0:~] netstat -an  | grep FIN_WAIT_1  | wc -l

I set the keepalive lower as I've mentioned, 15 mins and 30 sec  
intervals... I'll see if I have any specifically that stick around for  
a while and I'll try dumping one of those sessions and see....

Robert Blayzor, BOFH
rblayzor at

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