ATA APM and NCQ support in FreeBSD atacontrol

Mark Kirkwood markir at
Mon May 12 08:16:05 UTC 2008

Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> I am too, but PRs that are 2 years old which include patches for severe
> bugs that affect reliability of RAID is (in my opinion) not acceptable.
> I've been spanked over saying this before ("you don't understand how
> open source works"), but necessity easily supercedes idealism.
> Linux's libata has evolved very quickly and very well, and has multiple
> eyes familiar with the code (in the case the author takes vacation,
> etc.).  It has the upper hand here.
Linux has more eyes period, which helps a lot. In addition Linux has 
more commercial sponsorship - having said that, I've no idea if libdata 
development has had any such  sponsorship...

However. I do agree that we (that is FreeBSD) need more folks brave 
enough to help Soren out with the (S)ATA layer - that means people like 
you or me deciding to get our hands dirty with this code...

best wishes


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