Approaching the limit on PV entries

Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Thu Mar 13 17:18:32 UTC 2008

On Mar 13, 2008, at 5:10 AM, Stephen Clark wrote:
>> sysctl kern.ipc.shm_use_phys=1
> Could you please explain what that does and why?

% sysctl -d kern.ipc.shm_use_phys
kern.ipc.shm_use_phys: Enable/Disable locking of shared memory pages  
in core

Basically, this sysctl can force SysV shared memory regions to be  
unpageable aka "locked down" or "wired down".

> Also could someone point me to where all these sysctls are  
> documented other than in the source code - which lots of time has no  
> explanation.  It would really help the average sys admin/ user if  
> these were documented.

"sysctl -ad" will show a one-line description for most of them.  Not  
all of these are intended for normal usage or tuning, however...some  
reflect purely debugging interfaces which only do make sense in the  
context of the associated source code.


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