Dual Core Xeon / i386 install w/ more than 4gb of RAM

Vivek Khera vivek at khera.org
Wed Feb 20 15:16:44 UTC 2008

On Feb 20, 2008, at 1:56 AM, Tom Samplonius wrote:

>  And is there some really stability fear about FreeBSD on x86-64?   
> Seems just the same as i386.

Some poorly written software fails to run properly in 64-bit  
environment.  I have one such package, and my solution was to compile  
it on a 32-bit box, and copy the binaries over.  Works just fine with  
32-bit compat enabled on the amd64 kernel.

Other than that, the FreeBSD/amd64 has been 100% rock solid for me  
since 6.0 when I started getting 64-bit boxes.

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