SATA hotplug and AHCI

David Ehrmann ehrmann at
Tue Dec 30 00:24:41 UTC 2008

Andrey V. Elsukov wrote:
> David Ehrmann wrote:
>>> How can I avoid all this and get the drive to be recognized 
>>> automatically?  Can I do this with devd?  Did I do what I needed to 
>>> correctly set up hotplugging?
> Can you enable verbose mode in /boot/loader.conf
> (echo 'boot_verbose="YES"' >> /boot/loader.conf)?
> And show your /var/run/dmesg.boot and kernel's output when
> you unplug and plug drive back?

Here's the baseline output of dmesg and /var/run/dmesg.boot:

dmesg.boot never changes.  When I remove the drive, I see this from dmesg:

ata4: DISCONNECT requested
subdisk8: detached
ad8: detached

And when I plug it back in,

ata4: CONNECT requested
ata4: SATA connect time=0ms
ata4: SIGNATURE: 0000000c
ata4: No signature, asuming disk device
ata4: ahci_reset devices=0x1<ATA_MASTER>
ata4: reiniting channel ..
ata4: SATA connect time=0ms
ata4: SIGNATURE: 0000000c
ata4: No signature, asuming disk device
ata4: ahci_reset devices=0x1<ATA_MASTER>
ata4: reinit done ..
ata4: reiniting channel ..
ata4: SATA connect time=0ms
ata4: SIGNATURE: 0000000c
ata4: No signature, asuming disk device
ata4: ahci_reset devices=0x1<ATA_MASTER>
ata4: reinit done ..

atacontrol list still says "no device present" for that channel.

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