visibility of release process

Ivan Voras ivoras at
Mon Dec 8 12:13:15 PST 2008

Ken Smith wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-12-08 at 20:57 +1100, Aristedes Maniatis wrote:
>> I've resisted sending this email for a while since I really don't want  
>> to start a bikeshed nor a flame. However there comes a time to express  
>> my thoughts over the lack of visibility of the release process for  
>> FreeBSD 7.1. Here are the resources I am aware of:
> [ Readers' Digest Version: Known problem.  Unfortunately very slowly
> being worked on... ]
> Bottom line is my communication skills suck and of the bazillion other
> things I could do with my time these sorts of housekeeping chores wind
> up at a low enough priority they don't get done.  But as you and others
> have made clear the priority needs to get raised and I need to deal with
> it.  That's the part being worked on.

Hmm, <geek's solution to a human problem> would something twitter-like +
a cron-job reminding you to write something help? :) </...>.

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