fast rate of major FreeBSD releases to STABLE

John Walthall vistua at
Fri May 18 15:09:24 UTC 2007

On Thu, May 17, 2007 at 11:10:06AM -0700, Jeremy Chadwick wrote:
> As someone who has had to show many people "how" to use the FreeBSD
> installer, I can confirm what Chris is referring to.
> Here's some of the generic end-user complaints I've heard (and some
> of which I have);

And let's not forget the infamous geometry bug!  For me, at least sysinstall has always, 100% of the time, incorrectly detected my disc geometry.

Sysinstall is adequate, nothing more, nothing less. I don't mean though, to belittle the efforts of the developers; these days people are going to expect it to be polished on the order of YaST, which is ridiculous. Sysinstall is functional.

Although irritated, variously, by every one of these issues, I am most concerned about the geometry bug, it looks lackadaisical.

It is worth noting however, that of all the BSD's I have tried, FreeBSD has the best installer. NetBSD's installer isn't half bad, but doesn't have the scope of sysinstall, and is much less valuable as a configuration tool. OpenBSD's installer is Spartan; like the rest of OpenBSD, only more-so. I should not like ever to use OpenBSD's nightmarish installer again.

If people have trouble with sysinstall-the-configuration-tool, perhaps they might examine sysutils/webmin?

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