DDoS in FreeBSD 6.2-STABLE And Problen With The Clock

Stefan Lambrev stefan.lambrev at sun-fish.com
Mon Jun 11 21:05:33 UTC 2007

Abdullah Ibn Hamad Al-Marri wrote:
> On 6/11/07, Kevin K. <freebsd-stable at magma.ca> wrote:
>> > There are some problems, first DDoS (hardware DDoS) in the system.
>> I'd like to know what you mean by "hardware DDoS"
>> ~k
> It's very clear that English isn't his mother language, and he may
> means the DDoS he gets kills his box cpu ..etc.
May be because Otel.net is in Bulgaria I have the feeling that his 
mother language is bulgarian .. and his age is 11? :)
Shame that google now hide the IP of the sender :(

Now, if you explain little more about your problem and forget for the 
hardware DDOS we can help ? :)

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