gmirror on a disk with data already on it

Oliver Fromme olli at
Tue Jun 5 16:02:42 UTC 2007

Marc UBM Bocklet <ubm at> wrote:
 > The gmirror man page says that if gmirror is used on a disk, the last
 > sector of that disk is overwritten with the metadata gmirror uses.
 > So what I would like to know is, how risky is it to mirror a disk which
 > already has data on it?
 > Is there a chance that I might render my system unbootable?

If you follow the procedure in the Handbook, then there is
no risk at all.  It involves preparing one side of the
mirror on the second (unused) device first, then attaching
the first device to the mirror.

Best regards

Oliver Fromme, secnetix GmbH & Co. KG, Marktplatz 29, 85567 Grafing b. M.
Handelsregister: Registergericht Muenchen, HRA 74606,  Geschäftsfuehrung:
secnetix Verwaltungsgesellsch. mbH, Handelsregister: Registergericht Mün-
chen, HRB 125758,  Geschäftsführer: Maik Bachmann, Olaf Erb, Ralf Gebhart

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