HEADS UP: Re: FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-07:01.jail

Colin Percival cperciva at freebsd.org
Fri Jan 12 04:29:57 UTC 2007

Philipp Wuensche wrote:
> Colin Percival wrote:
>> In the end we opted to reduce functionality (the jail startup process is
>> no longer logged to /var/log/console.log inside the jail)
> Thats a bummer, when Dirk showed me this problem the first time my ideas
> for fixing this problem without losing the functionality where changing
> flags on the file so it can't be removed or/and checking if it is really
> a file or a symlink instead. Of course you have to check if /var/log has
> symlinked parent directories before.
> First is quite problematic and setting flags on file is something
> scripts which create a jail in the first place probably have to bother
> with so option two would be my approach. Did I miss a possible problem
> with that idea?

Assuming that "option two" means "use file flags to make sure that the host
can write to the jailed /var/log/console.log securely", setting the sunlnk
flag on the jail's /var and /var/log would probably break many jails -- for
one thing, log rotation would become impossible.  Then there's the problem
of systems with chflags_allowed=1...

>> (filesystems which are mounted via per-jail
>> fstab files should not be mounted on symlinks -- if you do this, adjust your
>> fstab files to give the real, non-symlinked, path to the mount point), and
> If I understand the patch correct it checks recursive all parent
> directories of a mountpoint in is_symlinked_mountpoint(), wouldn't it be
> better to just check for a symlinked parent directory up to and not
> including ${_rootdir}?

This option never occurred to me; I _think_ it would work, but it would require
canonicalizing the jail root path... even if I had thought of this, I might
have decided to avoid this on the basis that complexity == bugs == bad for
security patches.

Colin Percival

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