What is a good choice of sata-ii raid controller for freebsd?

Rink Springer rink at freebsd.org
Thu Feb 8 10:08:55 UTC 2007


On Thu, Feb 08, 2007 at 12:42:39PM +0300, Artem Kuchin wrote:
> I need a raid controller for FBSD 6.2 which has the following options

I can highly recommend the Areca family of SATA-II controllers. I have a
ARC-1110 (4 poort RAID controller) with 4x 320GB Western Digital
SATA-II drives attached to it in a RAID5 configuration.

Simple dd(1)-ing gives around 100MB/sec read and 70MB/sec write
performance. You can use sysutils/areca-cli to monitor it and update
settings (I have never tried actually creating arrays there though).

The controllers are a tad expensive, but once you have one, you won't
reget it.


Rink P.W. Springer                                - http://rink.nu
"It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But yet a far more terrible thing,
 to admit it."                                    - Darth Traya
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