SMP on FreeBSD 6.x and 7.0: Worth doing?

Brett Glass brett at
Fri Dec 21 22:01:29 PST 2007

I will need to build several Web caches over the next few months, 
and just took advantage of the Christmas lull (and a snowy day, 
when I couldn't work outside) to test FreeBSD 7.0 BETA 4 to see how 
it will perform at this task. I built up a 4 core FreeBSD box, and 
asked a friend who's a Linux fanatic to do the same with Linux on 
identical hardware. I didn't watch closely how he installed 
everything, but asked him not to tune  it beyond setting it up 
properly for SMP.

We then ran a test suite in which a client starts several 
processes. Each uses wget to fetch a series of objects in rapid 
succession via the cache. The fetches done by each process are the 
same batch of URLS, but shuffled differently, so each URL will get 
a miss the first time and then hits each time it comes up 
thereafter unless the cache overflows. We're doing all GETs, with 
no tricky stuff like subranges.

As has been reported in some other messages on this list, Linux is 
currently blowing FreeBSD away. It's taking as much as 20% less 
time to get through the benchmark, depending on exactly how the 
random shuffle came out. This is with 4 GB RAM, the GENERIC FreeBSD 
SMP kernel (using SCHED_ULE), and aufs as the storage schema for Squid.

It appears, though I'd need to instrument the code more to be sure, 
that the slowdown is coming from file I/O. Could it be that there 
less concurrency or more overhead in FreeBSD file operations than 
there is in Linux? Even with SoftUpdates turned on, the cache 
volume mounted with -noatime, and aufs (which uses kqueues -- a 
FreeBSD invention -- to optimize multithreaded disk access), the 
benchmark shows FreeBSD losing out. Why?

--Brett Glass

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