Intel se7230NH1-E, 6gb memory not working on FreeBSD 6.0

mailinglists at mailinglists at
Wed Sep 27 13:59:00 PDT 2006


I am having a very hard time getting an Intel se7230NH1-E motherboard with
6gb of memory to work.  I keep getting two messages about "Too many holes
in the physical address space, giving up".

I'm not sure what the BIOS is (it seems to be OEMed to Intel), but with
the menu structure I'd have to throw a dart at AMI BIOS.

I've scanned the newsgroups/message boards for issues surrounding this and
most suggest that there is a BIOS setting that can be tweaked to make
things come together.  However, I just don't see any of those options -
the only thing there with respect to memory involves memory timing.

Other posts have talked about unlocking "hidden menus" in the BIOS (I'll
save my tirade on hiding BIOS menu options for another day - but whoever
did this should be ashamed of yourself).  Alas, none of these have given
me any luck.

So, with that in mind... Anyone have any ideas on how I can get this to
recognize the 6gb of memory we have installed on the motherboard?

- Greg

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