Please confirm: top(1) cpu time broken on FreeBSD 6.1 (RELEASE/STABLE) SMP ?

Vinny Abello vinny at
Wed Jul 19 15:26:25 UTC 2006

Disable hyperthreading in your BIOS.

At 10:20 AM 7/18/2006, Martin Blapp wrote:

>Ok, seems to be a HTT issue on a untuned system.
>On two boxes I get with 'sysctl -a | grep smp | grep kern.smp.cpus'
>kern.smp.cpus: 4
>Here I see CPU-IDs 0 and 2 in top. No other CPUs seem to be
>used. Here I get the broken CPU usage.
>And yes, seeting hyperthreading_allowed=1 corrects the top usage.
>On two other boxes where it works I get 'sysctl -a | grep smp | grep 
>kern.smp.cpus' kern.smp.cpus: 2
>Here I see CPU-ID's 0 and 1 in top. Here everything works as it should.
>Martin Blapp, <mb at> <mbr at>
>ImproWare AG, UNIXSP & ISP, Zurlindenstrasse 29, 4133 Pratteln, CH
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Vinny Abello
Network Engineer
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vinny at
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