SSH debug messages

Michael Vince mv at
Fri Apr 21 13:02:47 UTC 2006

Michael Vince wrote:

> Hey all,
> Since using 6-stable for the last few months I keep getting these ssh 
> client/server? debug messages, I wasn't that annoyed with them at 
> first I figured it was just something part of 6.1 betas but now its 
> just getting annoying, and I am still getting them on the latest rc1 
> build.
> Here is a copy and paste of what I get, I get them almost all the time 
> in programs like 'mc'
> "debug2: channel 0: window 31272 sent adjust 34264"
> Anyone know how to make these go away?
> Cheers,
> Mike

OK I know what is now, its because I am putting -v on my ssh command, 
silly me.
Thanks for those who emailed me to let me know.


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