Needs suggestion for redundant Storage

Michael Schuh michael.schuh at
Fri Apr 7 14:54:43 UTC 2006

Hi everyone,

i need suggestions and hints about an redundant

My requirements are:
a Storage that is available via Network, flexible in scalation,
and must be redundant, and cheap if possible....

My Own suggestion was this  scenario:

2 boxes very cheap for ~300$
2 or more SATA-II-Controller ~30$(SIL)
4 or more Disks with 200-250GB ~100$/piece

the configuration that i think:

the 2 boxes became 2 virtaul IP-Addresses for CARP to
manage Master/Slave.

the Extra SATA disks get configured wit geom as big volumes or
any other configuration (not very important, but the 2 boxes should
have the same configuration)

the big-Volume created by geom/ccd/gvinum or any other should get
mirrored over the Net to the other box.....i think ggated/ggated get
my best friends...

Has anyone experiences or suggestion for those scenario?
the only component that i has used today was gmirror......

thanks a lot for any Help.



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