Laptop choices

Bartosz Fabianowski freebsd at
Wed Nov 23 20:29:03 GMT 2005

> It's so much better than the standard 1024x768 that you have to see
> it to understand.

At least in my experience, it also makes people call you nuts all the 
time. I am using tiny fonts for things that are not as important (like 
menu bars, for example) and bit fonts for text that I really want to 
read. To me, that's the real use of this 150 dpi screen - save a lot of 
screen real estate where readability does not matter and get beautiful 
glyphs where you have text that you actually want to use.

One thing that really annoys me though is how those brain dead fixed 
width website designs break down big time when I increase the font size 
from say 10px to 30px in order to get a reasonable size on the screen...

- Bartosz

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