filesystems not properly unmounted

Matthias Buelow mkb at
Thu Jun 2 23:04:41 GMT 2005

yuval levy wrote:

> Anyway, I am just trying to stirr some talk and get
> some attention to an issue which I find important.
> Maybe somebody with the appropriate skills will read
> this and fix the issue.

Noone complains that people stir things up every now and then.. at least
then the developers are reminded of the open PRs (or at least I hope
so). ;-)  Yet since developer time is a finite resource, I guess they
have to enforce a priority ordering (I wouldn't count this particular
bug as top priority, it can be easily circumvented by explicit
unmounting, and I wouldn't rely on the robustness of the ext2 filesystem
on FreeBSD anyways, and, isn't it read-only?  I've only used it so far
to copy stuff from it, and had been bitten by a 2Gig filesize limit then
but that might be fixed by now, so things do indeed move there.)


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