make -j as a stress test (was: Re: Quality of FreeBSD) [WARNING - 6.0-BETA1 still hosed!]

Danny Howard dannyman at
Sat Jul 23 02:53:00 GMT 2005

On Fri, Jul 22, 2005 at 02:53:57PM -0500, Karl Denninger wrote:
> Note carefully from this that there is NO ERROR INDICATION AS TO WHY THE
> At least with the 5.x problems you'd SEE an error before it went BOOM.
> This time around, nope - just death.
> What's worse, the complaints continue even through a shutdown ...

While I agree with Karl that introducing instability is a very bad
thing, I guess we now have an answer to Karl's vexation yesterday:
[ ]

     "What I don't understand Robert is why Soren's code is "too
     sensitive" to commit, but the explosive reduction in stability
     that the changes made between 4.x and 5.3 caused weren't
     enough to back THAT out until it could be fixed."

The answer would seem to be that when someone actually does test the
untested code, it is even worse than the code we are already upset with.



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