Serious issue with serial console in 5.4

Eirik Øverby ltning at
Thu Jul 21 12:19:49 GMT 2005

On Jul 21, 2005, at 1:04 PM, Robert Watson wrote:

> On Thu, 21 Jul 2005, Eirik Øverby wrote:
>>> I've only seen the issue when logging out of a serial console  
>>> session, and had previously hypothesized that it had to do with  
>>> the simultaneous timing of a console message from syslog and the  
>>> opening/closing of the console's tty due to logging out and getty  
>>> restarting, resulting in a reference count improperly hitting zero.
>> I did indeed make some changes to my syslog configuration after  
>> getting the serials online. Your theory might not be entirely off.  
>> Let me know if I should post my syslog.conf file or anything else  
>> here or elsewhere...
> Since you appear to be able to reliably reproduce the problem  
> (whereas I was able to reproduce it only after several hours of  
> quite active serial console work), it would be quite interesting to  
> answer the following question:
>   If you cause syslogd not to send any output to /dev/console, does  
> the
>   problem go away?

I'm afraid to say it doesn't....


> Thanks,
> Robert N M Watson

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