dangerous situation with shutdown process

Matthias Buelow mkb at incubus.de
Fri Jul 15 20:10:53 GMT 2005

Chuck Swiger wrote:

>If "sysctl hw.ata.wc=0" doesn't do what you want, please submit a PR 
>containing something better.  Or buy SCSI hardware and a real, 

Well, if I had the time, I would. Also if instead of softupdates,
a proper journalled filesystem implementation with kernel support
for write barriers in the block drivers had been implemented, we
wouldn't have this problem now. Ok, no point in arguing how things
would be if one had made different decisions in the past.

>battery-backed up RAID system, or fibre-channel, or Firewire, or whatever 
>floats your boat.

I would think that a significant part of (FreeBSD-) users are running
FreeBSD on desktop PCs, notebooks, etc., where a fibre-channel or
SCSI solution isn't really feasible (either technically, or


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