OK, it appears to be running, but what's this?! (gmirror)

Danny Howard dannyman at toldme.com
Tue Jan 25 14:26:32 PST 2005

Karl Denninger wrote:

>Gen2# bsdlabel /dev/mirror/m0s1
>Uh, no, I didn't do that.  The original label was put there during 
>system installation, and I absolutely did not offset "c"
>Is this still ok, or am I asking for a (bogus) hard error some day when the 
>system attempts access beyond the end of the physical disk?

 From my research, it had looked like the gmirror setup stuff will 
rearrange your disk a bit to make room for the metadata, and otherwise 
leave space at the beginning of the disk for various, presumably good 
reasons.  Some spelunking around the archives may score you a more 
verbose answer.


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