how to reach a developer

[LoN]Kamikaze LoN_Kamikaze at
Wed Dec 14 01:11:49 PST 2005

Because of the devfs discussion I had a look into
sys/fs/devfs/devfs_rules.c .

Somewhere in the sourcecode he/she's asking a question and I would like
to answer it. There just is no email address provided.

The question is as follows:
         * XXX: Does it matter whether we do
         *      foreach(dk in ds)
         *              foreach(de in dm)
         *                      apply(dk to de)
         * as opposed to
         *      foreach(de in dm)
         *              foreach(dk in ds)
         *                      apply(dk to de)
         * The end result is obviously the same, but does the order
         * matter?
Supposing that there is only read access to dk and only de is
manipulated by the operation apply(dk to de); I have to say that the
second example is a lot more efficient, because the first one causes
lots of unnecessary cache to memory writebacks. Which would be gracefuly
avoided by the second one.

- Dominic

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