FreeBSD 6.0-BETA2 Available

Robert Watson rwatson at
Sat Aug 6 10:46:37 GMT 2005

On Sat, 6 Aug 2005, Indigo 23 wrote:

> Is this the last beta before release (assuming there are no show 
> stopping bugs)?

Normally release cycles consistent of a pre-release period, which includes 
betas, release candidates, and releases.  Betas usually continue until 
substantal movement has ceased (i.e., no more last minute merges, no more 
significant fixes requiring additional testing, etc).  Release candidate 
often occur in quantities of 3-5, and each is intended to resemble the 
final release, with the intent that problems will be found and they will 
be refined until no more problems (deemed appropriate for fixing are 
found.  Whether or not we've hit the last beta depends on whether or not 
there are any more major merges to occur -- I have a number of network 
stack and device driver related locking changes I'd like to backport, and 
there's still hope Apple will fix the necessary licenses for us to merge 
the audit support, although time is running out.  I'd guess there will be 
at least one more beta.

Robert N M Watson

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