kernel killing processes when out of swap

Matthias Buelow mkb at
Tue Apr 12 11:16:58 PDT 2005

Dan Nelson <dnelson at> writes:

>Another issue is things like shared libraries; without overcommit you
>need to reserve the file size * the number of processes mapping it,
>since you can't guarantee they won't touch every COW page handed to
>them.  I think you can design a shlib scheme where you can map the libs
>RO; not sure if you would take a performance hit or if there are other
>considerations.  There's a similar problem when large processes want to
>fork+exec something; for a fraction of a second you need to reserve 2x
>the process's space until the exec frees it.  vfork solves that
>problem, at the expense of blocking the parent until the child's
>process is loaded.

Is that really problematic these days, with huge disk sizes?  I mean, a
couple GB swap don't really hurt anyone these days when you've got disk
sizes around 250GB.  Especially when you gain a lot more reliable
operation through this.  And maybe one could make overcommitting
configurable, so that all scenarios are provided for.  I for one would
happily add some more swap space if I could get the behaviour that the
OS doesn't go politician and promise all and everything which it then
cannot deliver.  Overcommitting made sense in the early 90ies, when you
had a large address space (4GB) and relatively small disks (~1GB).  I'm
not sure it makes much sense anymore, it's a typical kludge.

This stuff has been discussed in the past.  It'll probably continue to
be an issue, until it has been resolved satisfactorily (i.e., both the
overcommitters and reliable-VMers can have their way).


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