Secure NFS (sNFS) on 4-Stable: has somebody succeeded?

Rob stopspam at
Tue May 11 18:30:46 PDT 2004

Kris Kennaway wrote:
> On Tue, May 11, 2004 at 08:59:55PM +0900, Rob wrote:
>>I want to have secure NFS on my FreeBSD-4-Stable PC, where
>>a secure tunnel is used for the NFS connection.
>>There seems to be only one webpage for this:
>>First step is to install sec_rpc-1.54.tar.gz, which already
>>fails for me.
>>I have upgraded perl from ports, to no avail; and I'm awaiting
>>response from the author of this package.
>>The webpage suggests it should work for FreeBSD, but there's no
>>evidence. So I'm wondering if another FreeBSD-4.X user has been
>>successful in having sNFS installed.
>>If yes, then how to compile the sec_rpc package?
> Since I already responded to you yesterday, you're going to have to
> provide more information than last time.  You could start by
> explaining precisely what "to no avail" means, e.g. what errors are
> you receiving?

Thanks. I actually wanted to know first whether someone has succeeded....

But I can give more details:

In the directory  sec_rpc-1.54/NFS/perl/  of the package  sec_rpc-1.54.tar.gz,
there is a file Makefile.PL. 'make' processes this directory by generating
a Makefile with 'perl Makefile.PL', followed by a 'make all'.

The generation of the Makefile by perl doesn't work, neither with perl
from 4-Stable base system, nor with the newer perl version from the ports.

The file Makefile.PL contains:

   use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
   # See lib/ExtUtils/ for details of how to influence
   # the contents of the Makefile that is written.
       'NAME'              => 'SNFS',
       'VERSION_FROM'      => '', # finds $VERSION
       'PREREQ_PM'         => {}, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1
       ($] >= 5.005 ?    ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
         (ABSTRACT_FROM => '', # retrieve abstract from module
          AUTHOR     => 'Fredrik Roubert <roubert at>') : ()),

This file talks about "lib/ExtUtils/", but on my system, resides in /usr/libdata/perl/5.00503/ExtUtils/
Where will perl search, to find

As soon as the make process does 'make all', it cannot find the Makefile
and it stops with an error.

I myself don't know anything about perl, so I'm totally at a loss here.

Any suggestions?

BTW: seeing the 5.005 here in this file, I believe it may work with perl
from 4-Stable base system (version 5.005_03), though again, I know nothing
about perl....


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