Unable to use a PS/2 keyboard after a boot without it.

Jesper Wallin jesper at hackunite.net
Sat Jul 31 16:48:25 PDT 2004


I run a few FreeBSD machines at home (both 4.10 and 5.2.1) and if I boot them up
*without* having the PS/2 keyboard connected, I can't connect it later on.. My servers
usually runs without screen and keyboard, power and network cable is the only thing
needed. :) But when I need to change something (like, take them down to
single-user-mode), then I need to reconnect the keyboard, reboot the machine and THEN I
can use the keyboard..

I use to run Linux before and it seems like Linux handle that pretty well, therefore I
doubt it's a BIOS settings or so.. Is it possible to make FreeBSD work the same way to
always assume there's keyboard connected so I can connect it whenever I need to without
(re)booting with it connected?

Jesper Wallin

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