SSH strangeness on 4.9

Frank Knobbe frank at
Sat Jan 31 16:28:18 PST 2004

On Fri, 2004-01-30 at 09:06, liamfoy at wrote:
> > Has anyone else noticed that SSH session "hang around" under 4.9?
> > (Straight SSH from BSD, no port stuff).

> Hmm, does this happen also with other processes, or is it just with SSH
> currently?

Not that I noticed. When taking a look at the process listing, all those
ssh instances jumped at me. I didn't notice any other processes/apps I
used before.

Just to clarify, even typing "exit" to end the ssh session will close
the window but leave the ssh instance in the process list. I can't even
kill -9 that sucker.

I'll take a closer look at it again at a later time. Right now I need a
working laptop. Just wanted to see if others noticed the same or if it
was a known bug.


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