About mergemaster (Re: upgrading)

Dmitry Agafonov aga at rsm.ru
Tue Sep 23 01:27:00 PDT 2003

> For instance, say "mergemaster -A" is the command to automatically 
> merge.  It could easily do an automatic merge for all files except for 
> a given list:
> donotmerge="/etc/rc.conf /etc/hosts /etc/passwd /etc/group"
> If a file in this list has changed, then mergemaster would drop into 
> the interactive mode like it current does".  As I configure a server, 
> I would just add any file I manually edit to this list.  Although not 
> perfect, it would handle 90% of the cases.

I do not think anybody will (and able) to track their changes. Here is 
the place for automatic detecton of file alteration.
And finally. Yes, want to see what files are exactly changed (defaults 
or other parts of it). The best place to list
changed files (maybe not counting typos ot similar minor changes) is 
UPDATING or somewhere around.

> Richard Coleman
> richardcoleman at mindspring.com 

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