Final 4.9-RC (i386) available now, please help test.

Dan Strick strick at
Mon Oct 27 12:23:42 PST 2003

> RC4 includes the SATA and DRM fixes, along with a few other
> panic-preventing bugfixes.  If everything goes well we can release 4.9
> on Monday.
> Please help download and test before it's too late

I downloaded the ISO image and used it to do a local network install.
The initial installation went ok, but several of the 110 or so ports
that I typically build failed this time.  Technically the ports may not
be part of the FreeBSD 4.9-release, but since a specific set is included
in the distribution these errors may be of some interest:

  1) /usr/ports/audio/mpg123:

        Building with "make WITH_NAS=yes WITH_ICONV=yes" failed because
        some referenced iconv header file was not already installed.
        The workaround is to install iconv before mpg123.

  2) /usr/ports/audio/xmp:

        Installation generates and error message about not finding an
        xmms configuration file.  The workaround seems to be to install
        xmms before xmp.

  3) /usr/ports/games/cgoban:

        The compilation of net.c generates error messages about conflicting
        declarations of `butRnet_create' and `butRnet_destroy'.
        I have not attempted to debug this error.  I don't know of any

Everything else seemed ok, including the ICH5 SATA controller in native
mode.  I don't claim to have worked the system very hard.

Dan Strick
strick at

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