upgrading 4.0 to stable

Mats Dufberg dufberg at nic-se.se
Fri Oct 3 12:16:09 PDT 2003

On Oct 2, 2003, 16:40 (-0500) F. Even <freebsdlists at elitists.org> wrote:

> I'm still kind of hung up looking for some definitive answers on this issue.
> Perhaps you guys can help me out?

I do not think there is any definite answer, but I have tried and
succeeded to update a remote machine from 4.3 to 4.8 without consol
access. I know (and knew) that there are risks, I thought it was worth
trying. Before updating the remote machine, I tried on a few machines that
I could access the console on.

* You have to have a stable connection to the remote machine. Do not use
the recepie below for a machine that your life depends on...

* I fetched sourch of RELENG_4_8 with cvsup. I would not recommend
fetching STABLE in this case.

* I updated by building world and kernel following the steps in

# 1.  `cd /usr/src' (or to the directory containing your source tree).
# 2.  `make buildworld'
# 3.  `make buildkernel KERNCONF=YOUR_KERNEL_HERE'
# 4.  `make installkernel KERNCONF=YOUR_KERNEL_HERE'
# 5.  `reboot' (in single user mode: boot -s from the loader prompt).
# 6.  `mergemaster -p'
# 7.  `make installworld'
# 8.  `mergemaster'
# 9.  `reboot'

* Make sure that the kernel is as simpel as possible. Do not add anythin
outside GENERIC that you have not tested, and do not remove anything your
are sure you don't need.

* If your kernel contains IP-Firewall, do add IPFIREWALL_DEFAULT_TO_ACCEPT
or you might not be able to log in when you have a new kernel but an old

* It is a good idea to disable services like httpd and named before you
reboot after upting kernel, but do not remove loading of libraries or you
might not be able to "su" (which happened to me on one trial machine).

* It could be good to open ssh for root login during update. And if it is
possible to install a statically build sshd it might also be a good idea.

* And lock anyone else out of the machine during update.

* Directly after installing world, restart sshd and test from another

Well, do not blame me if your loose contact with the computer, or if it
cannot boot. :-)


Mats Dufberg <dufberg at nic-se.se>

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