panics on 24 hour boundaries

Mike Tancsa mike at
Wed Oct 1 13:07:26 PDT 2003

At 03:59 PM 01/10/2003, Daniel Eischen wrote:

>You can also try setting your clocks ahead (or back) and see
>if the crashes move with the time change.

Tried that and it didnt make a difference.  Also, at the time, the box 
seemed to panic when periodic was running.  BUT if I changed the daily 
scripts to run a few hours after boot time, it would not die.  I could run 
daily to my hearts content manually, but no crash.  (I also made sure than 
the disk cache would be flushed by running md5 on a 1 gig file a couple of 
time in case it was some combo disk / cache issue).  In my case, removing 
INET6 from the kernel totally solved the problem.


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