__stderrp problem again with tk83

Daniel Lang dl at leo.org
Thu May 15 01:27:54 PDT 2003

Hi Again,

maybe to clarify things for me, please answer the following

On a recent System (FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE #15: Wed Apr  9 10:08:16 CEST 2003),
is it valid, that an object file from a just compiled source
contains one of the as-it-seems obsoleted stdin/out symbols?
In my case the symbol: "__stderrp".

More precisely: can the following code from tkFont.c
fprintf(stderr, "Font %s still in cache.\n", 
                Tcl_GetHashKey(&fiPtr->fontCache, searchPtr));

result in the following (then undefined) symbol:

> atrbg11:/usr/ports/x11-toolkits/tk83/work/tk8.3.5/unix#nm tkFont.o | grep stderrp 
>          U __stderrp

Remember, this is not an older object file, which is still present.
This port was just compiled!

I'm still not sure how to deal with this error... :-/

Maybe also an explanation (or pointer to documentation, cvs log,
whatever) about how the change in these symbols occured and
what it affects in detail would help me understand my problem.

For hackers@: Yes, I've installed all the compatXY stuff and read all
the hints in previous threads and in UPDATING.

Thanks again,
IRCnet: Mr-Spock     - Cool people don't move, they just hang around. -  
Daniel Lang * dl at leo.org * ++49 89 289 18532  * http://www.leo.org/~dl/
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