Please confirm (conf#3cf11a7145595546740c6064dbc27044)

Samuel Tardieu sam at
Mon Jun 30 09:43:44 PDT 2003

>>>>> "Pete" == Pete French <pfrench at> writes:

>> What would it do with my hotel reservation confirmation email?

Pete> bounces them back. I work in a company that does such
Pete> things. They get bounced, end up in the bit bucket and then the
Pete> customer complains he hasnt got his confirmation
Pete> email. customers fault, no refund.

Other solutions exist. I use WLE ( to
protect my sam at address and some others. When I have to
enter a mail address into a field and I am expecting a mail, I use
something like "amazon at". Everything sent to
"" enters my mailbox without going through the
anti-spam filter. If I receive spam to such an address, I add a
blacklist line and that's it.

Samuel Tardieu -- sam at --

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