What happened with 5.1-RELEASE?

stuart nichols fbsdstable at cobble.capnet.state.tx.us
Sat Jun 7 23:29:15 PDT 2003

On Sun, 8 Jun 2003, Christian Ullrich wrote:

> * Scott Lambert schrieb am Samstag, 2003-06-07:

> > Personally, I think someone should create a read protected directory
> > named 6.5-RELEASE.  Maybe with an ISO of the latest release that is
> > modified to load a graphic that tells people to stop being so grabby.

> On the contrary. Think of it that way: Each time someone demonstrates
> his or her "grabbiness", they do what they probably wouldn't think of
> doing if they knew better: They _test_ the unreleased code.


I've loaded it twice so far and it hasn't given me any problems
on the two machines it is now on (about 30 hours and 12 hours).  But
I always thoroughly test the releases.  I usually test the release
candidates, also.  In my case, I'd be testing the heck out of 5.1-R
anyway, after the official release.  It's part of my job, and has been

Don't want people to grab it early?  Load it to a different tree and
do an mv at release time.  Having a 5.1-RELEASE directory tree with
no access confuses people, but having access come-and-go is even more
confusing.  Asking if the removal of access was due to some problem,
such as a newly-discovered security bug for example, seems legitimate.


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