my mistake compiling kernel

Zoran Kolic kolicz at eunet.yu
Sat Apr 12 00:31:19 PDT 2003

>device   ether 
>in kernel config.

Yes! Yes! Compiles! Works!
Thanks for quick and helpfull

To answer the questions:
>what you mean by unstable?
None OS goes down after
simple mounting CDrom. Don`t
get me wrong. I am impressed
with 5_0. You could guess
that I`m linux user and almost
everything on freeBSD is what
I want on linux. Simplicity, no
"works-by-itself" things, no
newly imported desktop envs
and home entertaintment apps.

>Did your 4.x kernel run without device ether but with INET?

Oh, I just made kernel smaller.
Didn`t touch it. Now I threw it
away and made a mess. Never
could think about that dependency.
Like the one, that you must have
KOffice if you want KDE. I just
need libraries and use it for apps.

Thanks again for your time.

                       Zoran Kolic

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