Problems booting 9.1-STABLE on Netra X1

Chris Ross cross+freebsd at
Sat Mar 2 18:23:43 UTC 2013

On Mar 1, 2013, at 19:53 , Marius Strobl <marius at> wrote:
> Craig Butler confirmed my impression that generally there's no downside
> from registering a handler for the power fail interrupt on X1 (or V100
> for that matter). So I did what I initially thought would be the best
> option if the affected machine(s) indeed run stable despite this issue
> and added a loader tunable in r247600. By setting hw.psycho.powerfail to
> 0 you can now disable setting up the interrupt handler.

  Thank you.  I look forward to being able to throw out the if clause I put
into my tree and doing it in the "official" way.  Will that be MFC'd to stable/9 ?

                - Chris

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