hardware and package builds

Royce Williams royce at alaska.net
Fri Nov 9 07:47:01 PST 2007

Royce Williams wrote, on 11/4/2007 1:45 PM:
> System: I am willing to buy a 4x U80 for myself and make it available
> to the project for package builds.  Shipping to Alaska is a bear, so
> once the deal goes down, if any other donors could chip in to get it
> shipped here, I would appreciate it.  I don't want to do this,
> however, unless it will actually be useful -- and used.  Will it?

After talking with Kris and Mark, it appears that the best bang for
the buck is to help Hiroki Sato resolve outstanding hardware issues
with his e4500s.  This will get 10-14 CPUs back online.

Hiroki, what hardware or money do you need to get your e4500s back
online, in order to improve the speed of package builds for sparc64?


Royce D. Williams                                - IP Engineering, ACS
http://www.tycho.org/royce/                   - PGP: 3FC087DB/1776A531
     A prudent question is one half of wisdom. - Francis Bacon

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