ram on sparc 64 freebsd 5.3

gaspo gaspolo at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 01:40:26 PST 2005

i have install sparc64 on ultra5 sun...
freebsd 5.3 is good...
but i have seeen some problem to Use the Memory Ram..for some process:
6179 root       8    0 17488K  1776K wait     0:00  0.00%  0.00% login
6183 gaspo      8    0 17456K  1712K wait     0:00  0.00%  0.00% su
6178 root      96    0 15664K  2960K select   0:00  0.00%  0.00% telnetd
 6194 root      96    0 60640K  6432K select   0:01  0.00%  0.00% httpd
httpd 60MB
telnet 15mb
su 17mb
login 17mb
i think is too memory usage of freebsd for these process...because
like httpd..have 6/7 process for 1 session of httpd...60 * 6.... = a
lot of ram360mb of ram used..
on x86 every process take less RAM very very less...httpd 5mb ecc...
there is an explanation?

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