ntpdate unable to repair clock

Marius Strobl marius at alchemy.franken.de
Sun Oct 24 15:52:39 PDT 2004

On Sat, Oct 23, 2004 at 04:14:54PM -0700, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> A sparc64 machine I'm using was consistently failing to set the date
> properly when updated across the recent RELENG_5 changes that required
> date to be reset.  ntpdate claimed to be setting the date correctly,
> but date(1) still returned a bogus value.
> Setting the date manually and then rerunning ntpdate gave another
> bogus offset message, but in fact set it correctly.

You have to use `ntpdate -b` for such transitions so the time is
also written to the clock chip. Your problems when not using the
'-b' switch seem similar to what I also see on other architectures
including i386 in this case. But there could be additional 64bit
bugs in this path, e.g. the genclock clock isn't 64bit time_t clean,

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