
Chuck Robey chuckr at
Sun Nov 21 10:32:10 PST 2004

I'm trying to gete my Ultra-60 installed (2 procs, 1G ram, 2x18G scsi
disks).  I can't get off square 1: the intro screen asks me which of 5
options to choose for the screen, and none, not one, of them works well
enough for me to be able to navigate at all.  I have a PGX64 graphics
card, that's what I want to use, but none of the options work.

the options given are:

1 -- standard ANSI termial
2 -- VT100 or compatible terminal
3 -- FreeBSD system console (color)
4 -- FreeBSD system console (monochrome)
5 -- xterm terminal emulator

I'm tried them all now.  The line graphics do not work anywhere.  The only
one the looks even vaguely line a menu is #4, but even there, you cannot
use the cursor keys, you have to use the letters ... the trouble is, the
programmers evidently decided that a user would choose to use the moving
highlighting to choose, but that feature doesn't work, and the letters are
simply wrong, they aren't what you'd expect.

Is there some environmental variable that I should be selectijg in the
boot sequence, which is entirely open to me?

I have tried, btw, both the miniinst and the bootonly cds.  Should I try
the one labelled disc1?  Unfortunately, the docs don'[t tell you which cd
to use (not that I could see, anyhow).

Chuck Robey         | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
chuckr at   | electronics, communications, and SF/Fantasy.

New Year's Resolution:  I will not sphroxify gullible people into looking up
fictitious words in the dictionary (on the wall at my old fraternity,
Signa Phi Nothing).

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