(was Re: HEADS UP! MAJOR change to FreeBSD/sparc64) Boot failure on rebuild

Ken Smith kensmith at cse.Buffalo.EDU
Mon Mar 15 07:51:12 PST 2004

On Sun, Mar 14, 2004 at 02:50:13PM -0800, Wes Peters wrote:

> Ultra-5 with 333MHz cpu module, (currently not) booting on serial console. 
> I have a keyboard and mouse, but they are currently resting in the closet
> nearby.  The kernel config is GENERIC with features I don't have hacked out;
> nothing esoteric at all.  I do usually remove and _ROOT options 

I was in the final phases of testing a new 64-bit time_t ISO and for the
first time tried something other than an Ultra-60.  Guess what...

So I think I have an arch that will reliably cause me the problem (I
spent the rest of last night installing it off the last snapshot
which was done a day or two before the new devfs stuff, I'm just
getting it to the point I can start building test kernels).  I also spent
some time finding the code I need to care about and sure enough, looks
like the same problem as alpha.  cninit() is called before proc0 gets
set up and mutex_init().

I'll spend some time today coming up with my best guess at how to
rearrange that chunk of machdep.c.

> I'll snag the latest snapshot and try that.

That should work but don't upgrade any farther past that until the
console issue gets taken care of.

						Ken Smith
- From there to here, from here to      |       kensmith at cse.buffalo.edu
  there, funny things are everywhere.   |
                      - Theodore Geisel |

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